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Catechism in a Year Study Guide
Daily Notes
January (Day 1-31)
Day 1: To Know and Love God
Day 2: How the Catechism Works
Day 3: Part 1 Introduction
Day 4: Our Capacity for God
Day 5: How We Know God
Day 6: Knowing God With Certainty
Day 7: God Reveals Himself
Day 8: God Forms his People
Day 9: The Fullness of Revelation
Day 10: The Apostolic Tradition
Day 11: Sources of Divine Revelation
Day 12: Receiving Dogmas
Day 13: The Single Deposit of Faith
Day 14: The Eternal Word of God
Day 15: Interpreting Scripture
Day 16: Senses of Scripture
Day 17: The Canon of Scripture
Day 18: The Unity of the Testaments
Day 19: Summary of Sacred Scripture
Day 20: Stepping in Faith
Day 21: Believing God
Day 22: Wrestling with Faith
Day 23: We Believe
Day 24: Unity of Faith
Day 25: Summary of Faith
Day 26: Communion of Believers
Day 27: The Gift of the Creed
Day 28: The Nature of God
Day 29: Knowing the Name of God
Day 30: God Is Who Is
Day 31: The Meaning of Faith
February (Day 32-59)
Day 32: The Most Holy Trinity
Day 33: God as Father
Day 34: Unity in the Holy Spirit
Day 35: Formation of Trinitarian Dogma
Day 36: The Nature of the Trinity
Day 37: The Divine Economy
Day 38: Summary of the Trinity
Day 39: The Father Almighty
Day 40: God Is the Creator
Day 41: Origins and Ends
Day 42: The Work of Creation
Day 43: Creation is Good
Day 44: The Scandal of Evil
Day 45: Summary of Creation
Day 46: Heaven and Earth
Day 47: The Angels
Day 48: Creation in Order
Day 49: We Are Created For Worship
Day 50: The Dignity of Man
Day 51: Unity of Soul and Body
Day 52: Male and Female
Day 53: Man in Paradise
Day 54: The Fall of Man
Day 55: The Fall of the Angels
Day 56: Man’s First Sin
Day 57: Consequences of Adam’s Sin
Day 58: Man’s Spiritual Battle
Day 59: Summary of The Fall
March (Day 60-90)
Day 60: God Sends His Only Son
Day 61: The Name of Jesus
Day 62: The Christ
Day 63: The Only Son of God
Day 64: The Lord
Day 65: Why the Word Became Flesh
Day 66: True God and True Man
Day 67: The Humanity and Divinity of Christ
Day 68: The Mystery of the Incarnation
Day 69: Born of the Virgin Mary
Day 70: The Immaculate Conception
Day 71: Mary’s Virginity
Day 72: Mary’s Motherhood
Day 72: Mary’s Motherhood
Day 73: Christ’s Life Is Mystery
Day 74: The Christmas Mystery
Day 75: Jesus’ Infancy and Hidden Life
Day 76: Jesus’ Baptism and Temptation
Day 77: The Kingdom of God
Day 78: Signs of the Kingdom
Day 79: Jesus’ Transfiguration and Messianic Acts
Day 80: Summary of the Mysteries of Christ’s Life
Day 81: Christ’s Paschal Mystery
Day 82: Jesus and the Law
Day 83: Jesus and the Temple
Day 84: The Claim of Savior
Day 85: The Trial of Christ
Day 86: God’s Plan of Salvation
Day 87: Christ’s Life as Offering
Day 88: Christ’s Definitive Sacrifice
Day 89: Jesus Christ Was Buried
Day 90: Christ Descended into Hell
April (Day 91-120)
Day 91: Christ Rose from the Dead
Day 92: The Man of Heaven
Day 93: The Meaning of the Resurrection
Day 94: Christ’s Ascension into Heaven
Day 95: Christ’s Reign on Earth
Day 96: The Church’s Ultimate Trial
Day 97: Introduction to the Holy Spirit
Day 98: The Son and the Spirit
Day 99: Symbols of the Holy Spirit
Day 100: God’s Word and Spirit
Day 101: Expecting the Messiah
Day 102: The Holy Spirit’s Mission
Day 103: The Power of Pentecost
Day 104: The Holy Spirit and the Church
Day 105: Christ’s Church and its Mission
Day 106: Symbols of the Church
Day 107: Origin of the Church
Day 108: Revealed by the Holy Spirit
Day 109: Mystery of Union With God
Day 110: The People of God
Day 111: The Church as the Body of Christ
Day 112: The Church Is the Bride
Day 113: The Temple of the Holy Spirit
Day 114: The Church Is One
Day 115: Wounds to Unity
Day 116: The Church Is Holy
Day 117: The Church Is Catholic
Day 118: The Church and Non-Christians
Day 119: The Church’s Missionary Mandate
Day 120: The Apostolic Church
May (Day 121-151)
Day 121: The Apostolate
Day 122: Christ’s Faithful
Day 123: The Pope
Day 124: Teaching, Sanctifying, and Governing
Day 125: Vocation of the Laity
Day 126: Prophetic and Kingly Offices
Day 127: Consecrated Life
Day 128: Unique Calls to Holiness
Day 129: Many Vocations
Day 130: The Communion of Saints
Day 131: The Communion of the Church
Day 132: Mary Mother of the Church
Day 133: Devotion to Mary
Day 134: The Forgiveness of Sins
Day 135: The Resurrection of the Body
Day 136: Questions of Resurrection
Day 137: Dying in Christ Jesus
Day 138: Summary of the Resurrection of the Body
Day 139: I Believe in Life Everlasting
Day 140: Purgatory and Hell
Day 141: The Last Judgment
Day 142: The New Heaven and the New Earth
Day 143: Amen
Day 144: How We Worship
Day 145: Introduction to the Liturgy
Day 146: The Father’s Work in the Liturgy
Day 147: Christ’s Work in the Liturgy
Day 148: The Holy Spirit’s Work in the Liturgy
Day 149: The Holy Spirit Recalls Christ’s Mystery
Day 150: The Epiclesis
Day 151: The Seven Sacraments
June (Day 152-181)
Day 152: Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi
Day 153: Sacraments Save
Day 154: Sacraments of Eternal Life
Day 155: Who Celebrates the Liturgy
Day 156: How the Liturgy Is Celebrated
Day 157: God’s Word and Sacred Music
Day 158: Holy Images in the Liturgy
Day 159: When the Liturgy Is Celebrated
Day 160: The Liturgical Year
Day 161: The Liturgy of the Hours
Day 162: Where the Liturgy Is Celebrated
Day 163: Summary of the Liturgy
Day 164: Liturgical Diversity and Unity
Day 165: Summary of Liturgical Diversity
Day 166: Introduction to Baptism
Day 167: The Baptism of Christ
Day 168: The Celebration of Baptism
Day 169: The Mystagogy of Baptism
Day 170: Who Can Be Baptized?
Day 171: The Necessity of Baptism
Day 172: What Does Baptism Do?
Day 173: Brothers and Sisters in Baptism
Day 174: Summary of the Sacrament of Baptism
Day 175: Introduction to Confirmation
Day 176: Traditions and Signs of Confirmation
Day 177: The Celebration of Confirmation
Day 178: Who Receives Confirmation
Day 179: Summary of Confirmation
Day 180: The Source and Summit
Day 181: The Sacrament of the Eucharist
July (Day 182-212)
Day 182: The Signs of Bread and Wine
Day 183: The Mass of All Ages
Day 184: The Movement of the Mass
Day 185: Thanksgiving, Memorial, Presence
Day 186: The Sacrificial Memorial
Day 187: The Church’s Sacrificial Unity
Day 188: Christ’s Presence in the Eucharist
Day 189: Worship of the Eucharist
Day 190: Receiving Holy Communion
Day 191: The Eucharist Changes Us
Day 192: Unity in the Eucharist
Day 193: Communion Forever in Heaven
Day 194: Summary of the Sacrament of the Eucharist
Day 195: Penance and Reconciliation
Day 196: Conversion of the Baptized
Day 197: Forms of Penance
Day 198: Reconciliation with God
Day 199: The Sacrament of Forgiveness
Day 200: The Confession of Sins
Day 201: The Confessor’s Role
Day 202: How Confession Heals
Day 203: The Purpose of Indulgences
Day 204: Summary of Sacrament of Reconciliation
Day 205: Christ the Physician
Day 206: Healing the Sick
Day 207: Celebrating the Anointing of the Sick
Day 208: Completing the Earthly Pilgrimage
Day 209: Summary of the Anointing of the Sick
Day 210: The Sacrament of Holy Orders
Day 211: The One Priesthood of Christ
Day 212: In Persona Christi
August (Day 213-243)
Day 213: Bishops and the Episcopacy
Day 214: Priests and the Presbyterate
Day 215: Deacons and the Diaconate
Day 216: Who Receives Holy Orders
Day 217: The Effects of Holy Orders
Day 218: Summary of Holy Orders
Day 219: Marriage in God’s Plan
Day 220: Marriage in the New Covenant
Day 221: The Celebration of Marriage
Day 222: Matrimonial Consent
Day 223: Differences in Religion in Marriage
Day 224: The Grace of the Sacrament of Marriage
Day 225: Total Fidelity in Marriage
Day 226: The Supreme Gift of Marriage
Day 227: Summary of the Sacrament of Matrimony
Day 228: Blessings, Sacramentals, and Popular Piety
Day 229: Christian Funerals
Day 230: How We Live (Intro to Part 3)
Day 231: Our Calling
Day 232: Man Is Made in the Image of God
Day 233: The Beatitudes
Day 234: Freedom and Responsibility
Day 235: Human Freedom in Salvation
Day 236: The Morality of Human Acts
Day 237: The Morality of the Passions
Day 238: Our Moral Conscience
Day 239: The Formation of Conscience
Day 240: Erroneous Judgment of Conscience
Day 241: The Cardinal Virtues
Day 242: The Virtue of Faith
Day 243: The Virtue of Hope
September (Day 244-273)
Day 244: The Virtue of Charity
Day 245: Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit
Day 246: Mercy and the Mystery of Sin
Day 247: The Weight of Sin
Day 248: The Spread of Sin
Day 249: The Person in Society
Day 250: Conversion in Society
Day 251: Authorities in Society
Day 252: The Common Good
Day 253: Participation in Public Life
Day 254: Social Justice
Day 255: Human Solidarity
Day 256: The Natural Moral Law
Day 257: The Old Law
Day 258: The New Law
Day 259: The New Commandment
Day 260: Summary of the Moral Law
Day 261: Justification
Day 262: Habitual and Actual Grace
Day 263: Responding to Grace
Day 264: Man’s Merit
Day 265: The Call to Holiness
Day 266: The Gift of Grace
Day 267: The Church as Mother and Teacher
Day 268: The Precepts of the Church
Day 269: Our Missionary Witness
Day 270: The Ten Commandments
Day 271: Love of God
Day 272: You Shall Worship the Lord Your God
Day 273: Him Only Shall You Serve
October (Day 274-304)
Day 274: Social Duty of Religion
Day 275: Superstition, Idolatry, and Magic
Day 276: Irreligion and Atheism
Day 277: Agnosticism and Graven Images
Day 278: The Second Commandment
Day 279: False Oaths
Day 280: The Christian Name
Day 281: Keep Holy the Lord’s Day
Day 282: The Sunday Obligation
Day 283: The Day of Rest
Day 284: The Fourth Commandment
Day 285: The Nature of the Family
Day 286: The Family and Society
Day 287: The Gratitude of Children
Day 288: The Duties of Parents
Day 289: Family, Society, and the Kingdom
Day 290: The Duties of Citizens
Day 291: The Political Community and the Church
Day 292: Respect for Human Life
Day 293: Legitimate Defense
Day 294: Homicide
Day 295: The Wound of Abortion
Day 296: The Sin of Euthanasia
Day 297: The Cross of Suicide
Day 298: Respect for Others
Day 299: Respect for Health
Day 300: Science, Bodily Integrity, and the Dead
Day 301: Peace
Day 302: War
Day 303: Summary of the Fifth Commandment
Day 304: Male and Female
November (Day 305-334)
Day 305: The Call to Chastity
Day 306: Gift of Self
Day 307: Offenses Against Chastity
Day 308: Same-Sex Attraction
Day 309: Faithful and Fruitful Marriage
Day 310: The Gift of a Child
Day 311: Adultery and Divorce
Day 312: Polygamy, Incest, and Free Union
Day 313: Ownership of Goods
Day 314: Goods of Others
Day 315: The Church’s Social Doctrine
Day 316: Labor and Social Justice
Day 317: International Justice and Solidarity
Day 318: Love for the Poor
Day 319: Summary of the Seventh Commandment
Day 320: The Truth
Day 321: Offenses Against Truth
Day 322: Respect for Truth
Day 323: Truth, Beauty, and Sacred Art
Day 324: The Ninth Commandment
Day 325: Battling for Purity
Day 326: Envy and Jealousy
Day 327: Poverty of Heart
Day 328: How We Pray
Day 329: The Gift of Prayer
Day 330: The Revelation of Prayer
Day 331: The Foundations of Prayer
Day 332: Prayer Converts Our Heart
Day 333: The Psalms
Day 334: How Jesus Prayed
December (Day 335-365)
Day 335: Jesus Teaches Us to Pray
Day 336: Jesus Hears Our Prayer
Day 337: Blessing, Adoration, and Petition
Day 338: Intercession and Thanksgiving
Day 339: Prayer of Praise
Day 340: Scripture and the Liturgy
Day 341: The Theological Virtues
Day 342: Trinitarian Prayer
Day 343: Praying Through Mary
Day 344: Guides for Prayer
Day 345: Animated by Prayer
Day 346: Meditation and Vocal Prayer
Day 347: Contemplative Prayer
Day 348: The Battle of Prayer
Day 349: Temptation, Trust, and Prayer
Day 350: Persevering in Prayer
Day 351: The Prayer of the Hour of Jesus
Day 352: Summary of The Battle of Prayer
Day 353: The Lord’s Prayer
Day 354: The Prayer of the Church
Day 355: Summary of the Lord’s Prayer
Day 356: We Dare to Say
Day 357: God, “Our” Father
Day 358: Who Art in Heaven
Day 359: The Seven Petitions
Day 360: Hallowing God’s Name
Day 361: The Kingdom and Will of God
Day 362: Our Daily Bread
Day 363: Forgive Us Our Trespasses
Day 364: Deliver Us from Evil
Day 365: So Be It
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Dei Verbum
Catechism in a Year Study Guide
Daily Notes
January (Day 1-31)
Day 1: To Know and Love God
Day 2: How the Catechism Works
Day 3: Part 1 Introduction
Day 4: Our Capacity for God
Day 5: How We Know God
Day 6: Knowing God With Certainty
Day 7: God Reveals Himself
Day 8: God Forms his People
Day 9: The Fullness of Revelation
Day 10: The Apostolic Tradition
Day 11: Sources of Divine Revelation
Day 12: Receiving Dogmas
Day 13: The Single Deposit of Faith
Day 14: The Eternal Word of God
Day 15: Interpreting Scripture
Day 16: Senses of Scripture
Day 17: The Canon of Scripture
Day 18: The Unity of the Testaments
Day 19: Summary of Sacred Scripture
Day 20: Stepping in Faith
Day 21: Believing God
Day 22: Wrestling with Faith
Day 23: We Believe
Day 24: Unity of Faith
Day 25: Summary of Faith
Day 26: Communion of Believers
Day 27: The Gift of the Creed
Day 28: The Nature of God
Day 29: Knowing the Name of God
Day 30: God Is Who Is
Day 31: The Meaning of Faith
February (Day 32-59)
Day 32: The Most Holy Trinity
Day 33: God as Father
Day 34: Unity in the Holy Spirit
Day 35: Formation of Trinitarian Dogma
Day 36: The Nature of the Trinity
Day 37: The Divine Economy
Day 38: Summary of the Trinity
Day 39: The Father Almighty
Day 40: God Is the Creator
Day 41: Origins and Ends
Day 42: The Work of Creation
Day 43: Creation is Good
Day 44: The Scandal of Evil
Day 45: Summary of Creation
Day 46: Heaven and Earth
Day 47: The Angels
Day 48: Creation in Order
Day 49: We Are Created For Worship
Day 50: The Dignity of Man
Day 51: Unity of Soul and Body
Day 52: Male and Female
Day 53: Man in Paradise
Day 54: The Fall of Man
Day 55: The Fall of the Angels
Day 56: Man’s First Sin
Day 57: Consequences of Adam’s Sin
Day 58: Man’s Spiritual Battle
Day 59: Summary of The Fall
March (Day 60-90)
Day 60: God Sends His Only Son
Day 61: The Name of Jesus
Day 62: The Christ
Day 63: The Only Son of God
Day 64: The Lord
Day 65: Why the Word Became Flesh
Day 66: True God and True Man
Day 67: The Humanity and Divinity of Christ
Day 68: The Mystery of the Incarnation
Day 69: Born of the Virgin Mary
Day 70: The Immaculate Conception
Day 71: Mary’s Virginity
Day 72: Mary’s Motherhood
Day 72: Mary’s Motherhood
Day 73: Christ’s Life Is Mystery
Day 74: The Christmas Mystery
Day 75: Jesus’ Infancy and Hidden Life
Day 76: Jesus’ Baptism and Temptation
Day 77: The Kingdom of God
Day 78: Signs of the Kingdom
Day 79: Jesus’ Transfiguration and Messianic Acts
Day 80: Summary of the Mysteries of Christ’s Life
Day 81: Christ’s Paschal Mystery
Day 82: Jesus and the Law
Day 83: Jesus and the Temple
Day 84: The Claim of Savior
Day 85: The Trial of Christ
Day 86: God’s Plan of Salvation
Day 87: Christ’s Life as Offering
Day 88: Christ’s Definitive Sacrifice
Day 89: Jesus Christ Was Buried
Day 90: Christ Descended into Hell
April (Day 91-120)
Day 91: Christ Rose from the Dead
Day 92: The Man of Heaven
Day 93: The Meaning of the Resurrection
Day 94: Christ’s Ascension into Heaven
Day 95: Christ’s Reign on Earth
Day 96: The Church’s Ultimate Trial
Day 97: Introduction to the Holy Spirit
Day 98: The Son and the Spirit
Day 99: Symbols of the Holy Spirit
Day 100: God’s Word and Spirit
Day 101: Expecting the Messiah
Day 102: The Holy Spirit’s Mission
Day 103: The Power of Pentecost
Day 104: The Holy Spirit and the Church
Day 105: Christ’s Church and its Mission
Day 106: Symbols of the Church
Day 107: Origin of the Church
Day 108: Revealed by the Holy Spirit
Day 109: Mystery of Union With God
Day 110: The People of God
Day 111: The Church as the Body of Christ
Day 112: The Church Is the Bride
Day 113: The Temple of the Holy Spirit
Day 114: The Church Is One
Day 115: Wounds to Unity
Day 116: The Church Is Holy
Day 117: The Church Is Catholic
Day 118: The Church and Non-Christians
Day 119: The Church’s Missionary Mandate
Day 120: The Apostolic Church
May (Day 121-151)
Day 121: The Apostolate
Day 122: Christ’s Faithful
Day 123: The Pope
Day 124: Teaching, Sanctifying, and Governing
Day 125: Vocation of the Laity
Day 126: Prophetic and Kingly Offices
Day 127: Consecrated Life
Day 128: Unique Calls to Holiness
Day 129: Many Vocations
Day 130: The Communion of Saints
Day 131: The Communion of the Church
Day 132: Mary Mother of the Church
Day 133: Devotion to Mary
Day 134: The Forgiveness of Sins
Day 135: The Resurrection of the Body
Day 136: Questions of Resurrection
Day 137: Dying in Christ Jesus
Day 138: Summary of the Resurrection of the Body
Day 139: I Believe in Life Everlasting
Day 140: Purgatory and Hell
Day 141: The Last Judgment
Day 142: The New Heaven and the New Earth
Day 143: Amen
Day 144: How We Worship
Day 145: Introduction to the Liturgy
Day 146: The Father’s Work in the Liturgy
Day 147: Christ’s Work in the Liturgy
Day 148: The Holy Spirit’s Work in the Liturgy
Day 149: The Holy Spirit Recalls Christ’s Mystery
Day 150: The Epiclesis
Day 151: The Seven Sacraments
June (Day 152-181)
Day 152: Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi
Day 153: Sacraments Save
Day 154: Sacraments of Eternal Life
Day 155: Who Celebrates the Liturgy
Day 156: How the Liturgy Is Celebrated
Day 157: God’s Word and Sacred Music
Day 158: Holy Images in the Liturgy
Day 159: When the Liturgy Is Celebrated
Day 160: The Liturgical Year
Day 161: The Liturgy of the Hours
Day 162: Where the Liturgy Is Celebrated
Day 163: Summary of the Liturgy
Day 164: Liturgical Diversity and Unity
Day 165: Summary of Liturgical Diversity
Day 166: Introduction to Baptism
Day 167: The Baptism of Christ
Day 168: The Celebration of Baptism
Day 169: The Mystagogy of Baptism
Day 170: Who Can Be Baptized?
Day 171: The Necessity of Baptism
Day 172: What Does Baptism Do?
Day 173: Brothers and Sisters in Baptism
Day 174: Summary of the Sacrament of Baptism
Day 175: Introduction to Confirmation
Day 176: Traditions and Signs of Confirmation
Day 177: The Celebration of Confirmation
Day 178: Who Receives Confirmation
Day 179: Summary of Confirmation
Day 180: The Source and Summit
Day 181: The Sacrament of the Eucharist
July (Day 182-212)
Day 182: The Signs of Bread and Wine
Day 183: The Mass of All Ages
Day 184: The Movement of the Mass
Day 185: Thanksgiving, Memorial, Presence
Day 186: The Sacrificial Memorial
Day 187: The Church’s Sacrificial Unity
Day 188: Christ’s Presence in the Eucharist
Day 189: Worship of the Eucharist
Day 190: Receiving Holy Communion
Day 191: The Eucharist Changes Us
Day 192: Unity in the Eucharist
Day 193: Communion Forever in Heaven
Day 194: Summary of the Sacrament of the Eucharist
Day 195: Penance and Reconciliation
Day 196: Conversion of the Baptized
Day 197: Forms of Penance
Day 198: Reconciliation with God
Day 199: The Sacrament of Forgiveness
Day 200: The Confession of Sins
Day 201: The Confessor’s Role
Day 202: How Confession Heals
Day 203: The Purpose of Indulgences
Day 204: Summary of Sacrament of Reconciliation
Day 205: Christ the Physician
Day 206: Healing the Sick
Day 207: Celebrating the Anointing of the Sick
Day 208: Completing the Earthly Pilgrimage
Day 209: Summary of the Anointing of the Sick
Day 210: The Sacrament of Holy Orders
Day 211: The One Priesthood of Christ
Day 212: In Persona Christi
August (Day 213-243)
Day 213: Bishops and the Episcopacy
Day 214: Priests and the Presbyterate
Day 215: Deacons and the Diaconate
Day 216: Who Receives Holy Orders
Day 217: The Effects of Holy Orders
Day 218: Summary of Holy Orders
Day 219: Marriage in God’s Plan
Day 220: Marriage in the New Covenant
Day 221: The Celebration of Marriage
Day 222: Matrimonial Consent
Day 223: Differences in Religion in Marriage
Day 224: The Grace of the Sacrament of Marriage
Day 225: Total Fidelity in Marriage
Day 226: The Supreme Gift of Marriage
Day 227: Summary of the Sacrament of Matrimony
Day 228: Blessings, Sacramentals, and Popular Piety
Day 229: Christian Funerals
Day 230: How We Live (Intro to Part 3)
Day 231: Our Calling
Day 232: Man Is Made in the Image of God
Day 233: The Beatitudes
Day 234: Freedom and Responsibility
Day 235: Human Freedom in Salvation
Day 236: The Morality of Human Acts
Day 237: The Morality of the Passions
Day 238: Our Moral Conscience
Day 239: The Formation of Conscience
Day 240: Erroneous Judgment of Conscience
Day 241: The Cardinal Virtues
Day 242: The Virtue of Faith
Day 243: The Virtue of Hope
September (Day 244-273)
Day 244: The Virtue of Charity
Day 245: Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit
Day 246: Mercy and the Mystery of Sin
Day 247: The Weight of Sin
Day 248: The Spread of Sin
Day 249: The Person in Society
Day 250: Conversion in Society
Day 251: Authorities in Society
Day 252: The Common Good
Day 253: Participation in Public Life
Day 254: Social Justice
Day 255: Human Solidarity
Day 256: The Natural Moral Law
Day 257: The Old Law
Day 258: The New Law
Day 259: The New Commandment
Day 260: Summary of the Moral Law
Day 261: Justification
Day 262: Habitual and Actual Grace
Day 263: Responding to Grace
Day 264: Man’s Merit
Day 265: The Call to Holiness
Day 266: The Gift of Grace
Day 267: The Church as Mother and Teacher
Day 268: The Precepts of the Church
Day 269: Our Missionary Witness
Day 270: The Ten Commandments
Day 271: Love of God
Day 272: You Shall Worship the Lord Your God
Day 273: Him Only Shall You Serve
October (Day 274-304)
Day 274: Social Duty of Religion
Day 275: Superstition, Idolatry, and Magic
Day 276: Irreligion and Atheism
Day 277: Agnosticism and Graven Images
Day 278: The Second Commandment
Day 279: False Oaths
Day 280: The Christian Name
Day 281: Keep Holy the Lord’s Day
Day 282: The Sunday Obligation
Day 283: The Day of Rest
Day 284: The Fourth Commandment
Day 285: The Nature of the Family
Day 286: The Family and Society
Day 287: The Gratitude of Children
Day 288: The Duties of Parents
Day 289: Family, Society, and the Kingdom
Day 290: The Duties of Citizens
Day 291: The Political Community and the Church
Day 292: Respect for Human Life
Day 293: Legitimate Defense
Day 294: Homicide
Day 295: The Wound of Abortion
Day 296: The Sin of Euthanasia
Day 297: The Cross of Suicide
Day 298: Respect for Others
Day 299: Respect for Health
Day 300: Science, Bodily Integrity, and the Dead
Day 301: Peace
Day 302: War
Day 303: Summary of the Fifth Commandment
Day 304: Male and Female
November (Day 305-334)
Day 305: The Call to Chastity
Day 306: Gift of Self
Day 307: Offenses Against Chastity
Day 308: Same-Sex Attraction
Day 309: Faithful and Fruitful Marriage
Day 310: The Gift of a Child
Day 311: Adultery and Divorce
Day 312: Polygamy, Incest, and Free Union
Day 313: Ownership of Goods
Day 314: Goods of Others
Day 315: The Church’s Social Doctrine
Day 316: Labor and Social Justice
Day 317: International Justice and Solidarity
Day 318: Love for the Poor
Day 319: Summary of the Seventh Commandment
Day 320: The Truth
Day 321: Offenses Against Truth
Day 322: Respect for Truth
Day 323: Truth, Beauty, and Sacred Art
Day 324: The Ninth Commandment
Day 325: Battling for Purity
Day 326: Envy and Jealousy
Day 327: Poverty of Heart
Day 328: How We Pray
Day 329: The Gift of Prayer
Day 330: The Revelation of Prayer
Day 331: The Foundations of Prayer
Day 332: Prayer Converts Our Heart
Day 333: The Psalms
Day 334: How Jesus Prayed
December (Day 335-365)
Day 335: Jesus Teaches Us to Pray
Day 336: Jesus Hears Our Prayer
Day 337: Blessing, Adoration, and Petition
Day 338: Intercession and Thanksgiving
Day 339: Prayer of Praise
Day 340: Scripture and the Liturgy
Day 341: The Theological Virtues
Day 342: Trinitarian Prayer
Day 343: Praying Through Mary
Day 344: Guides for Prayer
Day 345: Animated by Prayer
Day 346: Meditation and Vocal Prayer
Day 347: Contemplative Prayer
Day 348: The Battle of Prayer
Day 349: Temptation, Trust, and Prayer
Day 350: Persevering in Prayer
Day 351: The Prayer of the Hour of Jesus
Day 352: Summary of The Battle of Prayer
Day 353: The Lord’s Prayer
Day 354: The Prayer of the Church
Day 355: Summary of the Lord’s Prayer
Day 356: We Dare to Say
Day 357: God, “Our” Father
Day 358: Who Art in Heaven
Day 359: The Seven Petitions
Day 360: Hallowing God’s Name
Day 361: The Kingdom and Will of God
Day 362: Our Daily Bread
Day 363: Forgive Us Our Trespasses
Day 364: Deliver Us from Evil
Day 365: So Be It
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Dei Verbum
Daily Notes
January (Day 1-31)
Day 1: To Know and Love God
Day 2: How the Catechism Works
Day 3: Part 1 Introduction
Day 4: Our Capacity for God
Day 5: How We Know God
Day 6: Knowing God With Certainty
Day 7: God Reveals Himself
Day 8: God Forms his People
Day 9: The Fullness of Revelation
Day 10: The Apostolic Tradition
Day 11: Sources of Divine Revelation
Day 12: Receiving Dogmas
Day 13: The Single Deposit of Faith
Day 14: The Eternal Word of God
Day 15: Interpreting Scripture
Day 16: Senses of Scripture
Day 17: The Canon of Scripture
Day 18: The Unity of the Testaments
Day 19: Summary of Sacred Scripture
Day 20: Stepping in Faith
Day 21: Believing God
Day 22: Wrestling with Faith
Day 23: We Believe
Day 24: Unity of Faith
Day 25: Summary of Faith
Day 26: Communion of Believers
Day 27: The Gift of the Creed
Day 28: The Nature of God
Day 29: Knowing the Name of God
Day 30: God Is Who Is
Day 31: The Meaning of Faith
February (Day 32-59)
Day 32: The Most Holy Trinity
Day 33: God as Father
Day 34: Unity in the Holy Spirit
Day 35: Formation of Trinitarian Dogma
Day 36: The Nature of the Trinity
Day 37: The Divine Economy
Day 38: Summary of the Trinity
Day 39: The Father Almighty
Day 40: God Is the Creator
Day 41: Origins and Ends
Day 42: The Work of Creation
Day 43: Creation is Good
Day 44: The Scandal of Evil
Day 45: Summary of Creation
Day 46: Heaven and Earth
Day 47: The Angels
Day 48: Creation in Order
Day 49: We Are Created For Worship
Day 50: The Dignity of Man
Day 51: Unity of Soul and Body
Day 52: Male and Female
Day 53: Man in Paradise
Day 54: The Fall of Man
Day 55: The Fall of the Angels
Day 56: Man’s First Sin
Day 57: Consequences of Adam’s Sin
Day 58: Man’s Spiritual Battle
Day 59: Summary of The Fall
March (Day 60-90)
Day 60: God Sends His Only Son
Day 61: The Name of Jesus
Day 62: The Christ
Day 63: The Only Son of God
Day 64: The Lord
Day 65: Why the Word Became Flesh
Day 66: True God and True Man
Day 67: The Humanity and Divinity of Christ
Day 68: The Mystery of the Incarnation
Day 69: Born of the Virgin Mary
Day 70: The Immaculate Conception
Day 71: Mary’s Virginity
Day 72: Mary’s Motherhood
Day 72: Mary’s Motherhood
Day 73: Christ’s Life Is Mystery
Day 74: The Christmas Mystery
Day 75: Jesus’ Infancy and Hidden Life
Day 76: Jesus’ Baptism and Temptation
Day 77: The Kingdom of God
Day 78: Signs of the Kingdom
Day 79: Jesus’ Transfiguration and Messianic Acts
Day 80: Summary of the Mysteries of Christ’s Life
Day 81: Christ’s Paschal Mystery
Day 82: Jesus and the Law
Day 83: Jesus and the Temple
Day 84: The Claim of Savior
Day 85: The Trial of Christ
Day 86: God’s Plan of Salvation
Day 87: Christ’s Life as Offering
Day 88: Christ’s Definitive Sacrifice
Day 89: Jesus Christ Was Buried
Day 90: Christ Descended into Hell
April (Day 91-120)
Day 91: Christ Rose from the Dead
Day 92: The Man of Heaven
Day 93: The Meaning of the Resurrection
Day 94: Christ’s Ascension into Heaven
Day 95: Christ’s Reign on Earth
Day 96: The Church’s Ultimate Trial
Day 97: Introduction to the Holy Spirit
Day 98: The Son and the Spirit
Day 99: Symbols of the Holy Spirit
Day 100: God’s Word and Spirit
Day 101: Expecting the Messiah
Day 102: The Holy Spirit’s Mission
Day 103: The Power of Pentecost
Day 104: The Holy Spirit and the Church
Day 105: Christ’s Church and its Mission
Day 106: Symbols of the Church
Day 107: Origin of the Church
Day 108: Revealed by the Holy Spirit
Day 109: Mystery of Union With God
Day 110: The People of God
Day 111: The Church as the Body of Christ
Day 112: The Church Is the Bride
Day 113: The Temple of the Holy Spirit
Day 114: The Church Is One
Day 115: Wounds to Unity
Day 116: The Church Is Holy
Day 117: The Church Is Catholic
Day 118: The Church and Non-Christians
Day 119: The Church’s Missionary Mandate
Day 120: The Apostolic Church
May (Day 121-151)
Day 121: The Apostolate
Day 122: Christ’s Faithful
Day 123: The Pope
Day 124: Teaching, Sanctifying, and Governing
Day 125: Vocation of the Laity
Day 126: Prophetic and Kingly Offices
Day 127: Consecrated Life
Day 128: Unique Calls to Holiness
Day 129: Many Vocations
Day 130: The Communion of Saints
Day 131: The Communion of the Church
Day 132: Mary Mother of the Church
Day 133: Devotion to Mary
Day 134: The Forgiveness of Sins
Day 135: The Resurrection of the Body
Day 136: Questions of Resurrection
Day 137: Dying in Christ Jesus
Day 138: Summary of the Resurrection of the Body
Day 139: I Believe in Life Everlasting
Day 140: Purgatory and Hell
Day 141: The Last Judgment
Day 142: The New Heaven and the New Earth
Day 143: Amen
Day 144: How We Worship
Day 145: Introduction to the Liturgy
Day 146: The Father’s Work in the Liturgy
Day 147: Christ’s Work in the Liturgy
Day 148: The Holy Spirit’s Work in the Liturgy
Day 149: The Holy Spirit Recalls Christ’s Mystery
Day 150: The Epiclesis
Day 151: The Seven Sacraments
June (Day 152-181)
Day 152: Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi
Day 153: Sacraments Save
Day 154: Sacraments of Eternal Life
Day 155: Who Celebrates the Liturgy
Day 156: How the Liturgy Is Celebrated
Day 157: God’s Word and Sacred Music
Day 158: Holy Images in the Liturgy
Day 159: When the Liturgy Is Celebrated
Day 160: The Liturgical Year
Day 161: The Liturgy of the Hours
Day 162: Where the Liturgy Is Celebrated
Day 163: Summary of the Liturgy
Day 164: Liturgical Diversity and Unity
Day 165: Summary of Liturgical Diversity
Day 166: Introduction to Baptism
Day 167: The Baptism of Christ
Day 168: The Celebration of Baptism
Day 169: The Mystagogy of Baptism
Day 170: Who Can Be Baptized?
Day 171: The Necessity of Baptism
Day 172: What Does Baptism Do?
Day 173: Brothers and Sisters in Baptism
Day 174: Summary of the Sacrament of Baptism
Day 175: Introduction to Confirmation
Day 176: Traditions and Signs of Confirmation
Day 177: The Celebration of Confirmation
Day 178: Who Receives Confirmation
Day 179: Summary of Confirmation
Day 180: The Source and Summit
Day 181: The Sacrament of the Eucharist
July (Day 182-212)
Day 182: The Signs of Bread and Wine
Day 183: The Mass of All Ages
Day 184: The Movement of the Mass
Day 185: Thanksgiving, Memorial, Presence
Day 186: The Sacrificial Memorial
Day 187: The Church’s Sacrificial Unity
Day 188: Christ’s Presence in the Eucharist
Day 189: Worship of the Eucharist
Day 190: Receiving Holy Communion
Day 191: The Eucharist Changes Us
Day 192: Unity in the Eucharist
Day 193: Communion Forever in Heaven
Day 194: Summary of the Sacrament of the Eucharist
Day 195: Penance and Reconciliation
Day 196: Conversion of the Baptized
Day 197: Forms of Penance
Day 198: Reconciliation with God
Day 199: The Sacrament of Forgiveness
Day 200: The Confession of Sins
Day 201: The Confessor’s Role
Day 202: How Confession Heals
Day 203: The Purpose of Indulgences
Day 204: Summary of Sacrament of Reconciliation
Day 205: Christ the Physician
Day 206: Healing the Sick
Day 207: Celebrating the Anointing of the Sick
Day 208: Completing the Earthly Pilgrimage
Day 209: Summary of the Anointing of the Sick
Day 210: The Sacrament of Holy Orders
Day 211: The One Priesthood of Christ
Day 212: In Persona Christi
August (Day 213-243)
Day 213: Bishops and the Episcopacy
Day 214: Priests and the Presbyterate
Day 215: Deacons and the Diaconate
Day 216: Who Receives Holy Orders
Day 217: The Effects of Holy Orders
Day 218: Summary of Holy Orders
Day 219: Marriage in God’s Plan
Day 220: Marriage in the New Covenant
Day 221: The Celebration of Marriage
Day 222: Matrimonial Consent
Day 223: Differences in Religion in Marriage
Day 224: The Grace of the Sacrament of Marriage
Day 225: Total Fidelity in Marriage
Day 226: The Supreme Gift of Marriage
Day 227: Summary of the Sacrament of Matrimony
Day 228: Blessings, Sacramentals, and Popular Piety
Day 229: Christian Funerals
Day 230: How We Live (Intro to Part 3)
Day 231: Our Calling
Day 232: Man Is Made in the Image of God
Day 233: The Beatitudes
Day 234: Freedom and Responsibility
Day 235: Human Freedom in Salvation
Day 236: The Morality of Human Acts
Day 237: The Morality of the Passions
Day 238: Our Moral Conscience
Day 239: The Formation of Conscience
Day 240: Erroneous Judgment of Conscience
Day 241: The Cardinal Virtues
Day 242: The Virtue of Faith
Day 243: The Virtue of Hope
September (Day 244-273)
Day 244: The Virtue of Charity
Day 245: Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit
Day 246: Mercy and the Mystery of Sin
Day 247: The Weight of Sin
Day 248: The Spread of Sin
Day 249: The Person in Society
Day 250: Conversion in Society
Day 251: Authorities in Society
Day 252: The Common Good
Day 253: Participation in Public Life
Day 254: Social Justice
Day 255: Human Solidarity
Day 256: The Natural Moral Law
Day 257: The Old Law
Day 258: The New Law
Day 259: The New Commandment
Day 260: Summary of the Moral Law
Day 261: Justification
Day 262: Habitual and Actual Grace
Day 263: Responding to Grace
Day 264: Man’s Merit
Day 265: The Call to Holiness
Day 266: The Gift of Grace
Day 267: The Church as Mother and Teacher
Day 268: The Precepts of the Church
Day 269: Our Missionary Witness
Day 270: The Ten Commandments
Day 271: Love of God
Day 272: You Shall Worship the Lord Your God
Day 273: Him Only Shall You Serve
October (Day 274-304)
Day 274: Social Duty of Religion
Day 275: Superstition, Idolatry, and Magic
Day 276: Irreligion and Atheism
Day 277: Agnosticism and Graven Images
Day 278: The Second Commandment
Day 279: False Oaths
Day 280: The Christian Name
Day 281: Keep Holy the Lord’s Day
Day 282: The Sunday Obligation
Day 283: The Day of Rest
Day 284: The Fourth Commandment
Day 285: The Nature of the Family
Day 286: The Family and Society
Day 287: The Gratitude of Children
Day 288: The Duties of Parents
Day 289: Family, Society, and the Kingdom
Day 290: The Duties of Citizens
Day 291: The Political Community and the Church
Day 292: Respect for Human Life
Day 293: Legitimate Defense
Day 294: Homicide
Day 295: The Wound of Abortion
Day 296: The Sin of Euthanasia
Day 297: The Cross of Suicide
Day 298: Respect for Others
Day 299: Respect for Health
Day 300: Science, Bodily Integrity, and the Dead
Day 301: Peace
Day 302: War
Day 303: Summary of the Fifth Commandment
Day 304: Male and Female
November (Day 305-334)
Day 305: The Call to Chastity
Day 306: Gift of Self
Day 307: Offenses Against Chastity
Day 308: Same-Sex Attraction
Day 309: Faithful and Fruitful Marriage
Day 310: The Gift of a Child
Day 311: Adultery and Divorce
Day 312: Polygamy, Incest, and Free Union
Day 313: Ownership of Goods
Day 314: Goods of Others
Day 315: The Church’s Social Doctrine
Day 316: Labor and Social Justice
Day 317: International Justice and Solidarity
Day 318: Love for the Poor
Day 319: Summary of the Seventh Commandment
Day 320: The Truth
Day 321: Offenses Against Truth
Day 322: Respect for Truth
Day 323: Truth, Beauty, and Sacred Art
Day 324: The Ninth Commandment
Day 325: Battling for Purity
Day 326: Envy and Jealousy
Day 327: Poverty of Heart
Day 328: How We Pray
Day 329: The Gift of Prayer
Day 330: The Revelation of Prayer
Day 331: The Foundations of Prayer
Day 332: Prayer Converts Our Heart
Day 333: The Psalms
Day 334: How Jesus Prayed
December (Day 335-365)
Day 335: Jesus Teaches Us to Pray
Day 336: Jesus Hears Our Prayer
Day 337: Blessing, Adoration, and Petition
Day 338: Intercession and Thanksgiving
Day 339: Prayer of Praise
Day 340: Scripture and the Liturgy
Day 341: The Theological Virtues
Day 342: Trinitarian Prayer
Day 343: Praying Through Mary
Day 344: Guides for Prayer
Day 345: Animated by Prayer
Day 346: Meditation and Vocal Prayer
Day 347: Contemplative Prayer
Day 348: The Battle of Prayer
Day 349: Temptation, Trust, and Prayer
Day 350: Persevering in Prayer
Day 351: The Prayer of the Hour of Jesus
Day 352: Summary of The Battle of Prayer
Day 353: The Lord’s Prayer
Day 354: The Prayer of the Church
Day 355: Summary of the Lord’s Prayer
Day 356: We Dare to Say
Day 357: God, “Our” Father
Day 358: Who Art in Heaven
Day 359: The Seven Petitions
Day 360: Hallowing God’s Name
Day 361: The Kingdom and Will of God
Day 362: Our Daily Bread
Day 363: Forgive Us Our Trespasses
Day 364: Deliver Us from Evil
Day 365: So Be It
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Dei Verbum
Episode 1:
Introducing The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Episode 2:
BONUS: Pray with Fr. Mike
Episode 3:
BONUS: Why Scripture and Tradition? (with Jeff Cavins)
BONUS: How Do We Trust in Church Authority? (with Bishop Cozzens)
Day 1 >
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