Day 290: The Duties of Citizens (2238-2243)

Prayer by Fr. Mike: “Father in Heaven, in the name of Jesus Christ, your Son, and the Power of your Holy Spirit, I ask that you please open our minds and open our hearts that we can more fully conform our minds to your mind, to your will. Lord God, help us not to think in the wisdom of the world, but help us think with the mind of Christ. Let us not follow the way of the world, but help us to follow the way of you. Lord God, help us to not follow the kingdom of man, but the Kingdom of God. That is who we truly want to belong to. That is who we truly want to serve, you Lord God, in your Kingdom. So, please, where we are blind, we ask that you give us sight. Where we choose to ignore certain areas, we ask that you please wake us up. And Lord God, where we have the vision of the world the lens of the world, we ask you to give us a biblical lens. We ask you to give us your lens. Help us to see this world and our place in it as it truly is as you reveal it to be. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen”