Day 305: The Call to Chastity (2337-2345)

Prayer by Fr. Mike: “Father in Heaven, in the name of your Son, Jesus CHrist, we ask you to send your Holy Spirit into our hearts, into our minds. Give us clarity of thought and give us purity of love. Help us to see others the way you see them. Help us to love others the way you love us and the way you love them. Remind us that other people are not objects to be used. They are persons to be loved. Help us to see in every person someone made in your image, someone you died for, someone you rose from the dead for. Help us to see, in every person around us, your gift of life and your gift of love. Help us to see you in them. And help us to also see you in ourselves, in ourselves to see someone that you died for. When we look at ourselves to see someone that you conquered death for. In ourselves to see someone that you love. Help us to see like you. Help us to be chaste. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen”