Day 327: Poverty of Heart (2544-2557)

Prayer by Fr. Mike: “Father in Heaven, we praise your name and give you thanks. Thank you so much. Help us. Help us to have poverty of spirit. Help us to be poor in spirit. Help us to have a poverty of heart. And Lord God, help us to say we have no possessions, except for you. Let you be the only possession that we claim, the only possession that we rejoice in. Lord God, help us. Help us not only to see you. Help us to desire to see you. Let you be the greatest treasure of our lives, that we desire nothing more than to be in your presence, that we desire nothing more than to belong to you that we desire nothing more than to behold you, face to face. Lord God, transform our hearts and give us these gifts, poverty of heart, and the desire to see you. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen”