Day 218: Summary of Holy Orders (1590-1600)

Prayer by Fr. Mike: “Father in Heaven, we praise you and give you glory. We thank you so much. We ask that you please hear our prayer. We ask that you not only fill us right now in this moment with your Holy Spirit, a Spirit of wisdom, of insight, a Spirit of counsel and of knowledge, a Spirit of fear of the Lord, a Spirit that recognizes your gifts, the natural gifts you give to us each day with a sunrise, the natural gift you give to us each day of a heart in our chest that beats and breath in our lungs. But also the supernatural gifts that you have given to us through this grace of your sacraments, through the grace of your Church. Thank you for giving us the holy priesthood. Thank you for giving us Holy Orders. Thank you for our bishop and for our pastor. Thank you for our deacons who have served in the Church. Lord God, we ask you to please increase the number of men you are calling to serve your Church as priests and deacons. We ask you to please increase also religious communities, religious sisters, and religious brothers. Help all these vocations to abound in your grace. Continuing today, we are praying also for those who are called to Holy Matrimony, recognizing that Lord God, you fill your earth with people made in your image. And you call us to follow you and call us to serve each other in so many different ways. And two of these ways are through Holy Matrimony and through Holy Orders. We ask you to please increase the number of those people who are called to those vocations and who say yes to those vocations. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen”