Day 168: The Celebration of Baptism (1229-1233)

Prayer by Fr. Mike: “Father in Heaven, we thank you and we give you praise. In the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, receive our praise and receive our thanks this day. 

Lord God, in the midst of sorrow, in the midst of joy, in the midst of suffering, and in the midst of strength we just give you praise. We ask that you please hear our prayer and pour out your Holy Spirit upon all of us that those of us who are on our way into full initiation with the Catholic Church may get to that place with great joy and great love. And for those of us who have been initiated into the Church, into your Church, we ask that you awaken in our hearts and enliven in our lives your Grace. Your Grace is new every morning. Your mercies are new every morning. And you are here with us now. Bring those graces to life. Ignite them like a smoldering wick or a burning ember, let them become a roaring flame. We make this prayer in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen”