Day 169: The Mystagogy of Baptism (1234-1245)

Prayer by Fr. Mike: “Father in Heaven, we give you thanks. We praise you for your glory. We praise you for who you are. We thank you. We thank you for the gift of Baptism. We thank you for the gift of not only declaring us to be your children, but making us into your children. We thank you for allowing us to have access to your Father’s heart. We thank you for giving us your only Beloved Son as our Savior, our Lord, our God, and our Brother. We thank you for your Holy Spirit that dwells in us. Thank you for making us the Temple of your Holy Spirit. Lord God, as we unpack the mystery of the celebration of Baptism, we ask you to please give us a fire of love, a fire of faith and hope, a fire that wants to rekindle what you placed in our hearts at our own Baptism. Give us a love for you that will never end so that in you our lives will never end. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen”