Day 254: Social Justice (1928-1938)

Prayer by Fr. Mike: “Father in Heaven, we do praise you, and we do belong to you. We know that you love us. And so in this moment, we give you permission, in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, to love us. We give you permission to, not only love us with the affection of your true fatherhood, but we give you permission to love us in such a way that changes us. Lord God, help us to receive your love in a way that does not leave us the same but transforms us into people who are new, people who are yours, so that we can care for our brothers, so that we can love the people around us the way you love us. Lord God, let your love change us, but let your love not stop with us. Let it be the kind of love that comes from you as its origin, flows through us, and meets the needs of the people around us. We make this prayer in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen”