Day 206: Healing the Sick (1506-1513)

Prayer by Fr. Mike: “Father in Heaven, we love you, and we know without a doubt that you love us. We know that whether you heal us or whether you are just present to us in the midst of our pain, in the midst of our suffering, we know that you love us. Lord God, for all the moments when it’s difficult to acknowledge this, difficult to accept your love as it is, difficult to accept your will, O God, as often as it is hard to not be healed, we ask that you please come and meet us with your strength, and meet us with your grace. Help our hearts not to become hardened to you, but help our hearts to continue to melt in your presence. Help us always to trust you, and help us to never stay far from you, especially when we need you the most. In our woundedness, in our wickedness, in our suffering, and in our sickness be with us today and every day. Help us choose you this day and every day. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen”