Day 356: We Dare to Say (2777-2785)

Prayer by Fr. Mike: “Father in Heaven, Abba, Dad in Heaven, we thank you so much. Thank you for your Son, Jesus Christ. Thank you for your Holy Spirit that you have poured into our hearts that allow us to cry out Abba! Thank you, Lord God, for bringing us to this moment, for bringing us to this day, bringing us to Day 356 and for reminding us that regardless of how we have lived, if we have lived as the son who has run away from home and wants nothing to do with you, or if we have lived as the son who stated at home but has served you as a slave and not as a son, we ask that you please, let us live in your home. Let us live in your house. Let us live in your heart. Let us return home in repentance. Let us return to your heart with trust. Lord God, we praise you and bless you. Thank you so much. Thank you so much for making us your sons and daughters. Help us to find our home in your heart, our true and real Father. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen”