Day 328: HOW WE Pray (INTRO TO PART 4)
It’s Day 328!!
Welcome Sr. Miriam James Heidland!!
Sr. Miriam is so calm and Fr. Mike talks so fast
Sr. Miriam has this sense of joyful peace about her
Let’s listen to Sr. Miriam tell her story…
She is a member of the Society of Our Lady of the most Holy Trinity…SOLT
She does a lot of work in healing retreats with priests and religious sisters
Sr. Miriam had to prepare a class on Mystagogy and had to read a lot of the Catechism
She found herself at her desk reading the Catechism and weeping
She realized it was so beautiful
Archbishop Fulton Sheen said, “Very few people leave the Church because of what the Church teaches but what they think the Church teaches.”
Our Faith makes sense and is so beautiful
The Lord is not asking us to deny our intellect or to deny the deeper recesses of our heart
God is bringing us into communion
That is what prayer is about
In so many ways, through prayer, our hearts become more and more like Jesus
Living according to His commands, yes
We are cooperating with knowing His heart
For those of us who are still challenged more than we are consoled, there is a word of hope here
You are not done if you still struggle
The life of grace is yours
We move forward by developing and deepening this relationship with God
Let’s pray!!
Prayer by Fr. Mike: “Father in Heaven, we give you praise and thanks. In the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, we ask you to please receive our thanks, receive our praise this day. I thank you for the community who have been pressing play. I thank you for all of us who have been journeying through these first three Pillars of The Catechism, all the way to this day, to the beginning of this Fourth Pillar, this last installment, essentially, of your teaching, your self revelation to the world. We ask that you please, on this day, remind us that you desire not merely that we know more, but that we love more. Not merely that we have more information, but that we allow you, by your grace and by our cooperation, to have transformation in you. Help us to be more and more like you. Lord God, meet us in our frustrations, meet us in the dryness of prayer, meet us in the battle of prayer, and meet us in this moment as we open our hearts to you. Fill those hearts with the fire of your love, and help us to love you and to love our neighbor better. Help us to be prayers because, Lord God, we do not know how to pray as we ought. So send your Holy Spirit now and always. We pray this in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen”
So what can we expect from PILLAR 4: HOW WE PRAY?
What are some of the main themes/takeaways?
This is such a beautiful revelation of the history of prayer and the rich culture of prayer that we have
In today’s contemporary society, there are all these ways to pray that are outside of our Faith tradition
We as Catholics do not even know our own tradition of prayer
In the Old Testament in Genesis when God comes in search of Adam and Eve we see that call and response from the very beginning
We see the human heart at prayer
This is not about making a to-do list of prayer
It is a response to the relationship we have with God
Our hearts are meant to live in relationship
Prayer is always a response to God’s initiative
Man’s creation is a response to God’s goodness
Our creation is a response to God’s own blessed life
That is why God calls out
God is always the initiator of the gift
We as the Bride are responding to the gift of the Bridegroom
Any desire that we have to pray comes from God
Fr. Mark Toups says, “We don’t have to do the heavy lifting. Everything we have is a gift.”
That can terrify us because we are reminded that we are so little and that we are not in control
It is beautiful because that means every aspect of my life is under the sovereign Lordship of our Lord, Jesus Christ
He comes to reveal Himself at all times
That is beautiful
So if God is the initiator and all our prayer is always a response, how does that change how we approach prayer?
God is doing the heavy lifting, we don’t have to do that
It gives us great comfort that this is not all up to me
Many times we do feel that it is all up to us
We are not manifesting to the universe and some random intention that we hope the universe hears and responds
We are speaking to a REAL DIVINE PERSON
We are speaking to Jesus
We are speaking to the Triune God who makes a covenant with us and dwells within us
When St. Paul says to pray without ceasing, he is talking about the wine cellar in The Song of Songs
He is talking about the constant communion of the Covenant that God makes with us that we can’t make with ourselves
Because God gives that to us and He brings us into His own divide life, that means I am never alone
That means for all the experiences we have had of abandonment or rejection or fear or shame or being overwhelmed, God is who He says He is
The more I can come into agreement with that and the truth I am learning more about God, then I can rest more deeply and the truth of my being comes alive
Let’s listen to Fr. Mike talk about Mike Gormley aka Gomer…
“As Catholics, we were taught to say our prayers and not how to pray.”
The way we pray is always by living in relationship with God
God is always instigating
We always have the opportunity to respond
If God is always initiating, then we never have to fight for His attention
St. Thérèse of Lisieux says in Paragraph 2558, “For me, prayer is a surge of the heart; it is a simple look turned toward heaven, it is a cry of recognition and of love, embracing both trial and joy.”
She looks at the Father and He is already gazing at her
He is already the one who is moving
That is the beautiful relationship between us as children of a good Father
If there is somebody really real on the other end of my conversation who is responding to me, that is a very different dynamic
We have to grow from just saying our prayers to becoming men and women of prayer
That is the integration that Jesus is calling us to
When we look at how Jesus lives, He is teaching us how to live
Prayer with His Father is at the heart of His life
He lives from HIs relationship
He doesn’t get His identity from His mission
From that relationship and intimacy comes the mission
He is teaching us how to be human
RIM is the acronym
R = Relationship
I = Identity
M = Mission
A lot of times when we come before the Lord, we base our identity off of our mission
Our mission ends up giving us our identity
What happens when the mission leaves?
So we are living this backwards
We are called to relationship as adopted sons and daughters of the Father
That gives us our identity
THEN we go on mission
The mission can change
The relationship is always the source of our identity
That is one of the themes we will hear again and again in this Pillar
Scripture is replete with heart language
Jesus speaks to us about the heart
We are not talking about sentimentality or what we feel strongly
When we talk about the heart, we are talking about the CORE
What happens in our heart matters
What doesn’t happen in our heart matters
Paragraph 2563 says, “The heart is the dwelling-place where I am, where I live; according to the Semitic or Biblical expression, the heart is the place ‘to which I withdraw.’ THe heart is our hidden center, beyond the grasp of our reason and of others; only the Spirit of God can fathom the human heart and know it fully. The heart is the place of decision, deeper than our psychic drives. It is the place of truth, where we choose life or death. It is the place of encounter, because as image of God we live in relation: it is the place of covenant.”
The Pillar on Prayer is going to unfold from there
Jesus says, “From the fullness of the heart, the mouth speaks.”
Jesus says, “Wherever your treasure is, there your heart is.”
What is going on within that sacred place, our core, is so important
How tempting is it to just SAY our prayers
With how busy our lives are, the temptation is to just stay on the surface as opposed to actually withdraw to the heart
As Catholics, we have all sorts of different tools and devotions to pray
Sometimes we can rely overly on the tools as opposed to allowing the tool to get to our heart
Let’s listen to Fr. Mike talk about his friend with the prayer cards…
If prayer cards help you get deep to the heart of prayer, that is a good thing
What happens if we put the prayer card down and just talk to the Lord?
The Psalms can be what our heart wanted to say
Sometimes the Psalms can be just surface prayer
The Catechism talks about vocal prayer, meditative prayer, and contemplative prayer
Some of us Catholics were taught to pray the Rosary
The vocal prayer of the Rosary is the high point
The heart of the Rosary is to lead us into union with Jesus, to become one in His mysteries
Are we using anything in our lives, whatever it is, to make sure that we don’t have to go deeper?
Because many times the things that we do not want to talk about are the very things that Jesus wants to talk to us about
The Church teaches us that there are many types of prayer
Will we ever use any of these forms of prayer as a way to keep God at a distance?
Will we let them be what they are meant to be, to give God access to our hearts?
Why does the Catechism devote an entire pillar to prayer?
It is our relationship with Jesus
It is not just what we do
It is helping us grow in union with Jesus
If that is what Christianity is about, the Holy Spirit configuring Christ in me, and I look at how Jesus prays, and that is what Jesus does, and that is what I want to do as well
People say we should read PILLAR 4: HOW WE PRAY first and then from that lens, read the rest of The Catechism
Because that is going to help us understand why does the Church what it does on the Catechism
Because it is going to frame everything in that relationship with the Lord
Love is challenging
When we read the Catechism, we should always notice in our hearts what captivates us and what challenges us because it is showing us different places of our heart
Love, which is to be a disciple, is purifying and challenging
We need to have the anchor of trust in God when we don’t understand what we are reading and that is why we need to know how to pray
So after this pillar, listen to the whole thing again
Let’s listen to Fr. Mike talk about RCIA…
If we are just learning facts about God, but not living this relationship through prayer, then it rings hollow and the heart is missing
Jesus doesn’t go into isolation to pray, He goes into solitude
All of us need solitude with the Lord, no matter what we are doing in life
Because that is when Jesus reminds us of who we are
Jesus refreshes that grace of our Covenant and brings us into deeper union
In our culture right now, we are lacking in both solitude and connection
It is rare that we are actually alone with the alone
It is rare that we are in real connection with others
We are in this weird middle place where we are constantly being distracted but not connected
St. Augustine said, “Our hearts are restless until they rest in you.”
All of us experience the restlessness of our hearts because we often are looking for something to satisfy us other than God
Or it could be because we are afraid
Are we afraid to spend fifteen minutes by ourselves?
We all struggle with obstacles to prayer
Many of us labor under the illusion that prayer is not really for us or that holiness is not for us
Most people do not know the universal call to holiness
Most people do not know that the Covenant that God made with us in our Baptism marks us forever as children and sets us in a relationship
Many of us doubt that God wants that relationship with us
Many of us doubt that God wants time with us
Let’s listen to Fr. Mike talk about Fr. Thomas Dube…
If we are going to be the person that God wants us to be, then we have to pray at some point regularly
What are some other obstacles?
Not knowing how to pray
There can be areas of shame thinking that God won’t love us
We often find other things to do besides pray
We sometimes don’t know if we want to get that close to the Lord because we feel ashamed
These excuses are manifestations of a deeper reality
So what do we do with that shame?
Practically, we can name what is happening in our heart and bring it to the objective truth
We are bringing our subjective experience into the objective reality of God
Maybe we experience a deep unworthiness or a deep inferiority and we might not know where that comes from
“Lord, I feel like I’m not even worth praying. You wouldn’t listen to me.”
Even those words tell us deep stories about ourselves
But God can reveal me to myself so start taking those things out and letting God speak to them
There is nothing that replaces a good, holy, sacramental confession
“The Lord forgave me for this and so I can, with the Lord, go to the deeper places of pain.”
Mr. Rogers said, “If it’s mentionable, it is manageable.”
So much of our life is not mentioned when we can’t name what it is
There is something about naming how God creates
There is something about naming what we are afraid of
There is something about naming the pain in our life
Naming it allows it to take a lot of the darkness out of it and allows the Lord to come in with His Light
The Lord is not surprised
The Lord is not embarrassed of it
The Lord is not afraid of us
Anything we are going to find out these days as we walk through prayer is that Jesus already knows that
Jesus is already with us
Let’s listen to Fr. Mike talk about Confession and encouraging his students…
In Confession, we are giving God access to something He doesn’t have, the depths of our heart
God is the one who initiates
He knows our heart already
He wants our heart
Let’s listen to Fr. Mike talk about going to Israel and renewing vows at Cana…
If we can live through the shame and not hide the shame, that is part of how our prayer has to be when we bring it to the Lord in Confession
Now we will have a new way to pray because we are not deceived into thinking that we have to be perfect
Marriage is the icon of how God loves us
“I am yours and you are mine forever.”
This is the battle of prayer
The Lord is still faithful
The Lord still invites our gaze
The Lord never averts His gaze from us
The Lord is there over and over and over again
All the masters of prayer talk about coming to the end of our own strength
This is the stuff of real human life
This is what we ache for
We ache in our epic failures
That someone would still love us and believe in us
All of us want to love heroically and want to be heroically loved
This is what PILLAR 4: HOW WE PRAY is all about
That is Salvation history
That is the whole Gospel summed up in our own hearts
The maturity starts when we come to the end of our own strength
The Church has never condescended in Her teaching in the Catechism
We are made for the heights and this is where we are called
The Church is not pulling any punches
We might not even realize the heights that God is calling us and the depths of relationship that God is calling us to
The Catechism is here to make it clear
Prayer is more and more understood the more and more God reveals Himself
“In the fullness of time, Jesus reveals what prayer can be because we get to see Him in His prayer.”
So what are some of the things that Jesus teaches us when He is praying?
Jesus is teaching us about what it means to be the beloved child of God
Jesus is, at all times, the same person because of His identity of who He is
Jesus is the same when they’re healing Him
Jesus is the same when they want to make him king
Jesus is the same when they are crucifying Him, spitting on Him, and when His own disciples fail Him
Jesus is teaching us what it really tangibly looks like to be fully human
Because Jesus is the Man who is fully alive
Jesus is teaching us what it means to live in continual relationship with the Father
Humanity has never seen that before
We have never seen that revelation
Christ never wastes His words
He taught us the OUR FATHER
Jesus teaches us the essentials of this relationship
So it is only from there that He says, “Go out and do what I have done. Love one another as I have loved you.”
How do we do that?
We do this first by allowing ourselves to be loved by Him
This does not end
This is continually refined
We are taking this excellence of love and continuing to grow and that goes into Eternal Life with Him
We see in Christ the literal incarnation of the beloved son, the beloved daughter of God
Jesus is something we are looking up to
He gives us the grace to live, to forgive, to love, to suffer, to live in joy, and to live in truth and that is where you see the freedom
To be free to love Jesus the way that He loves…
To be that free where we are not caught up in our own ego or our own self-defense mechanisms or the places where we have to make sure everybody knows we are right because we are important…
Jesus is so lovely, how could we resist Him?
How much of our lives are spent with image management of a situation?
Many people feel their prayer life is very empty, shallow, and dry
Part of it is, “I’m upset with the Lord, but I am not talking to Him about it.”
“I’m going through a struggle, and I’m not going to give Him access to it.”
“I’m experiencing some kind of battle, but I am not going to invite Him into it.”
We have this whole world that we are not letting God have access to as opposed to what God has revealed to us
Jesus is always a beloved Son on top of the world
At His worst moment, He shows us what it is to be a beloved child of the Father when everyone has left you and when all of your hopes and dreams have fallen, when everyone has betrayed you
He shows us what it is to be a beloved child of the Father when everyone loves you
Love is a high standard
Jesus is teaching us as the Bridegroom as He gives His life on the Cross for the Bride
This is a Man of Joy who says, “It is worth it.”
He is not a helpless victim
He is giving Himself as a Man, as the Bridegroom to restore the Church as the new Adam
That kind of love can’t help but change us
So we start again
Venerable Bruno Lanteri said, “If I should fall a thousand times a day, a thousand times a day I will begin again. I will trust in the Lord’s mercy and begin again.”
“Now I begin”
God’s mercies are without end and so here I am with my brokenness and shame when I run to the end of my own strength
“Ok, Lord. Now I am just beginning. I pick it up again.”
And let God pick you up again
Give God permission to love you
What section really speaks to Sr. Miriam’s heart in this pillar?
Paragraph 2709 says, “What is contemplative prayer? St. Teresa answers: ‘Contemplative prayer [oración mental] in my opinion is nothing else than a close sharing between friends; it means taking time frequently to be alone with him who we know loves us.’ Contemplative prayer seeks him ‘whom my soul loves.’ It is Jesus, and in him, the Father. We seek him, because to desire him is always the beginning of love, and we seek him in that pure faith which causes us to be born of him and to live in him. In this inner prayer we can still meditate, but our attention is fixed on the Lord himself.”
Prayer is always a gift
We can always go to Jesus and say, “Lord, just give me the gift of prayer. Holy Spirit, teach me how to pray every day.”
It doesn’t matter because we don’t know what we don’t know
In contemplative prayer, alone in quiet with the Lord, Jesus whispers secrets there that He doesn’t share with anybody else
There is a place that is reserved for just you and the Lord that is sacred
The Lord delights in us and He speaks to us
St. Teresa of Avila said, “If you are praying your vocal prayers and our readings and at some point if God brings you to a place of contemplative prayer, put the vocal prayer to the side and just receive it as a gift.”
To desire God is the beginning of love
“Pray as you can, not as you can’t.”
“Seek him because to desire him is always the beginning of love.”
Paragraph 2714 says, “Contemplative prayer is also the pre-eminently intense time of prayer. In it the Father strengthens our inner being with power through his Spirit ‘that Christ may dwell in [our] hearts through faith’ and we may be ‘grounded in love.’”
The more we allow that truth and love of the Lord to come and root us and ground us, that is where everything else comes from in the core of our being
Let’s listen to Sr. Miriam talk about her friend whose prayer life changed because of her newborn infant…
The Lord is gracious in different seasons of our life
Prayers of petition are efficacious
Contemplation doesn’t DO anything
Contemplation is gazing at your baby
Paragraph 2715 says, “Contemplation is a gaze of faith, fixed on Jesus. ‘I look at him and he looks at me’: this is what a certain peasant of Ars in the time of his holy curé used to say while praying before the tabernacle. This focus on Jesus is a renunciation of self. His gaze purifies our heart; the light of the countenance of Jesus illumines the eyes of our heart and teaches us to see everything in the light of his truth and his compassion for all men. Contemplation also turns its gaze on the mysteries of the life of Christ. Thus it learns the ‘interior knowledge of our Lord,’ the more to love him and follow him.”
If my identity comes by this relationship, then this is the reason to be here and contemplate
We all have things to do, but they do not flow from our very being
We are inevitably going to suffer from burnout or try to drive our identity from that
Jesus is teaching His disciples how to have our loves properly ordered, how to have our life ordered around the one thing that matters
Who doesn't need to gaze upon the face of Jesus?
So what’s Fr. Mike’s favorite section in this pillar?
First we have to know the heart of the Father
Second we have to know that we can trust God with our shame and brokenness and trust that He loves us and wants to spend time with us
Do we go to Mass because we have to, or because it matters to God that we go and worship Him as He deserves to be worshiped?
Why would the infinite, all powerful, eternal God care whether my showing up and worshiping Him for an hour matter to Him?
Because God says, “It actually matters when you show up.”
Atheists make the argument that it doesn’t matter to God how you act
God loves us enough that it DOES matter
Paragraph 2725 says, “Prayer is both a gift of grace and a determined response on our part. It always presupposes effort. The great figures of prayer of the Old Covenant before Christ, as well as the Mother of God, the saints, and he himself, all teach us this: prayer is a battle. Against whom? Against ourselves and against the wiles of the tempter who does all he can to turn man away from prayer, away from union with God. We pray as we live, because we live as we pray. If we do not want to act habitually according to the Spirit of Christ, neither can we pray habitually in his name. The ‘spiritual battle’ of the Christian’s new life is inseparable from the battle of prayer.”
You are not doing something wrong if it is sometimes hard
We are going to keep going
We sometimes misunderstand that if it’s hard it must mean we are doing something wrong
Not necessarily
Love is very purifying
Love is calling us to a deeper excellence and deeper union
People can get to a major struggle or they find a block in their heart and they want to stop praying
Or they tried a different prayer method and it didn’t work
The Lord wants us to keep seeking and keep going
If we do not experience that dryness or distraction, our hearts cannot grow 🤯 🤯 🤯
God wants us to have a heart that grows
If I am just loving the gifts of prayer or the consolations of prayer, then I am just loving myself 🤯 🤯 🤯
If God teaches me through these distractions and dryness, to continue to choose Him in the midst of desolation and realize He is doing something remarkable in my heart
When it gets difficult, do we love God for what He gives us?
Do we love the gifts?
Do we love the Giver?
It is one thing to receive the gifts and be in gratitude of that and then to receive all that God gives us and not mistake the gifts for the Giver
The Giver is most important
If not, that is making an idol out of the gifts and treating God like a genie
The Lord has so much more for us
Sometimes our prayer can devolve into an attempt to manipulate God
Sometimes our prayer can be superstitious where it can feel like a contractual exchange
“My child is dying, so I will do the novena to whatever saint you tell me to.”
The Lord always brings us back to the heart
We have to be very careful and think about the images we have of God
Because we are so little, we don’t always know what we need
Those are the real parts of the human heart that the Lord reveals Himself in
Jesus is not holding out on us
Paragraph 2735 says, “In the first place, we ought to be astounded by this fact: when we praise God or give him thanks for his benefits in general, we are not particularly concerned whether or not our prayer is acceptable to him. On the other hand, we demand to see the results of our petitions. What is the image of God that motivates our prayer: an instrument to be used? Or the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ?”
🤯 🤯 🤯
Isn’t that convicting?
We need to hear this in a time of peace so that we do not forget it in a time of distress
What is your image of God?
Is God the ATM or is God our Father who actually loves us?
The author of the Catechism wrote PILLAR 4: HOW WE PRAY in Beirut while bombs were raining down on his home
He was in the basement with a typewriter and a candle writings this section on prayer while his life was in danger for weeks on end
Psalm 3 is a Psalm of Trust when he was fleeing from Absalom
This is when David has everything falling around him and his own child is trying to kill him
He is saying, “Trust God.”
Similar to the priest who wrote this section
“This is my identity. This is the most important thing any of us could do is to develop this relationship with our Lord. We can trust Him.”
That last part of this pillar is on The Lord’s Prayer
Here is something Sr. Miriam hopes we all get in these next days
She hopes that we come to a deeper understanding in our hearts of how deeply we are loved by God
The Lord perceives us of infinite value
The Lord receives us and we are not alone
This is not a joke or some cosmic game that God is playing with us
Jesus takes on EVERY SINGLE ONE OF OUR SUFFERINGS and all of our joys and unites us to Himself
Jesus gives us back Himself in return
Who loves like that?
We need to be continually pierced by the love of Jesus
Hopefully we can each come not into a formulaic kind of reiteration of some prayer
But each one of us, in our own way, comes into a deeper intimacy with Jesus
We are going to spend Heaven with the One who loves us forever for all eternity
We have heard that God loves us
Many of us don’t believe that God loves us
We believe that God tolerates us
We need to know the UNSTOPPABLE love of God for us
We need to be willing to give God permission to love us is the prayer
Fr. Mike is praying FOR YOU!!
Please pray for Fr. Mike and for each other!!
I cannot WAIT…