Day 96: The Church’s Ultimate Trial (675-682)

Prayer by Fr. Mike: “Father in Heaven, we trust in you and we thank you. We praise your name. We give you glory. We ask that you please reveal to our hearts your heart. Reveal the depth of your love for us to us. Help us to say yes to you. Help us to avoid the temptation toward idolatry. Help us to avoid the temptation towards the Antichrist. Help us to avoid the temptation to turn away from what you have given to us in favor of something new, in favor of something flashy, in favor of something that is not from you. Lord God, help us to strive with all of our hearts and our whole lives to help the people around us. But to never replace your Kingdom with a pseudo- false kingdom. Help us to never replace you and your victory on the Cross with any other kind of victory. Help us to live as you have called us to live. Help us to love as you have called us to love. Help us to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ in this world by the power of your Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen”