Day 309: Faithful and Fruitful Marriage (2364-2372)

Prayer by Fr. Mike: “Father in Heaven, we praise you. In the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, we ask you to receive our praise. In the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, we ask you to send out your Holy Spirit into our hearts, into this world, Lord God, into our relationships. And into every relationship, God, we ask you to send your Spirit of faithfulness, your spirit of patience, your Spirit of trust and of forgiveness, a Spirit of reconciliation. Send your Spirit of fruitfulness, that all of our relationships may be not only faithful and full of peace and love, but also fruitful. Lord God, I ask you to send your blessing upon all married couples in this moment, especially married couples that find themselves challenged by your Revelation. Find themselves challenged by your call to fidelity, your call to fecundity, your call in all of our lives to die to ourselves and so as to live for you. And also Lord God, we ask you to please be with all of those who, when talking about marriage, their hearts are hurt or wounded. Be with all of us, God, in this moment. Send your Spirit to us and into us in the ways that you alone know we need. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen”