Day 352: Summary of The Battle of Prayer (2752-2758)

Prayer by Fr. Mike: “Father in Heaven, we give you praise and glory. Thank you so much. Thank you for bringing us to this day. Thank you for bringing us almost the entire way through this Catechism. Lord God, as we continue to walk, as we continue to learn, to listen, and to respond to your voice, to you call, and your will in our lives, we ask that you please help us to have courage, courage to let this time not just be a time of information transfer, but a time of transformation, not just a time of data collection, but a time of conversion. Lord God, help us to put into practice the lessons and the teachings that you have imparted to us. Help us to live these. Help us to live the life of a disciple, the life of a beloved son or daughter, the life of a friend of the Bridegroom. Lord God, help us to live this life by the Power of your Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen”