Day 201: The Confessor’s Role (1461-1467)

Prayer by Fr. Mike: “Father in Heaven, we give you praise and glory. Thank you so much for bringing us here. Thank you for giving us your mercy and thank you for giving us the priesthood. Lord God, I thank you for every priest who has ever heard my Confession. And I thank you for every priest who has ever been patient with me in Confession and all those who are listening. I thank you for every priest who has ever administered your mercy to all of us in our worst moments. Lord God, I ask you to please bless all those men, all those priests who have given their lives so that your mercy can touch our lives. I ask you to please bless them wherever they are right now. Lord God, I ask you to please bless them wherever they are right now. Lord God, I ask you to be with those priests who have been mean in Confession, have been cruel in Confession, have been short, brief, hurt, or even worse in Confession. I ask you to please heal them, heal their hearts. Help them become more like you. Help them be servants of your mercy, not masters of forgiveness. Help us all to be patient with each other because, Lord, on our own none of us is enough. On our own all of us fail. And so we make this prayer in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. And we trust in you Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen”