Day 214: Priests and the Presbyterate (1562-1568)

Prayer by Fr. Mike: “Father in Heaven, thank you. Thank you for bringing us to this day. Thank you for giving us the gift of your grace. Thank you for continuing to bind up the weak. Thank you for continuing to heal our wounds. Thank you for continuing to forgive our sins. Lord, God, thank you for continuing to give us yourself in the Eucharist, pouring out your Holy Spirit upon us. Whenever we pray, whenever we ask you, Father, for your Holy Spirit, you hear the prayer of your children, and you respond with love because you are a good Father. We ask you, in this day, when we talk about priests, we ask you to please help these priests be good fathers. Help these priests to be men after your own heart. Help them to govern, to teach, to sanctify in the way that you would. And we ask you to please, please bless our local priests. Make them holy. Help them where they need help. Strengthen them where they need strengthening. Heal them where they need healing. Forgive them of all their sins. And, Lord God, help them to be the kind of men that we need. Help them to be the priests that we need them to be. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen”