Day 295: The Wound of Abortion (2270-2275)

Prayer by Fr. Mike: “Father in Heaven, we give you praise and we thank you. In the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, send us your Holy Spirit. Send your Holy Spirit deep into our hearts that we can know your truth, that we can know your goodness. Lord God, when we are in sin, please give us the miracle of the grace of conviction. Give us the miracle of the grace of conviction of our sins so that we can know where we have turned away from you, so that we can know truly where we have said no to you. But also give us the grace, secondary grace, of conviction of your mercy. Help us to be convicted that you desire us to turn back to you, that you desire us to allow your love to transform our lives. Lord God, in your name, in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, I ask you to please be with every person who is listening at this moment, who is listening who abortion is a part of their story. Be with them right now. Be with them and remind them, yes, of the truth of the evil of abortion, but also the truth of your goodness, also the truth of your desire for them to give you their heart. Lord God, I pray not only for truth to win, but also pray that your mercy would win. I pray right now, Lord God, in the name of your Son, Jesus, that every person listening who has been wounded by abortion will allow you and your mercy, your grace to heal them. Lord Jesus, heal them now. In your name we pray. Amen”