Day 344: Guides for Prayer (2683-2690)

Prayer by Fr. Mike: “Father in Heaven, we praise and glorify your name. We thank you. We thank you for giving us this day. We thank you for calling us to be yours, for calling us to be in communication with you. Thank you for teaching us how to pray, both through your Church generally, as well as through the individuals and the groups of people you brought into our lives. Lord God, in this moment, we raise before you all of those who have ever, ever taught us how to pray. From our moms and dads, if they taught us how to pray, for our grandparents if they taught us how to pray, for our teachers who taught us how to pray, for the religious sisters and brothers who dedicated their lives to not only developing and deepening their prayer life, but also teaching others. We pray for the priests and deacons and bishops and pastors who have taught us how to pray. And we thank you, Lord God, for all those who just came into our lives out of the goodness of their hearts. And they just showed us how to take one more step closer to you. We thank you for them, and we ask that you please bless them right now. Bless them now and always in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen”