Day 297: The Cross of Suicide (2280-2283)

Prayer by Fr. Mike: “Father in Heaven, we give you praise and glory and thank you. We thank you for your Son, Jesus. We thank you for your Holy Spirit that you have poured out into our hearts, that we can call you Abba, Father. We thank you for making us your children through Baptism and the Power of the Holy Spirit, through faith. We ask that you please, regardless of where we are right now, be with us now. Be with us in this moment, be with us as we look at this serious and grave issue of suicide. We ask that you please protect our hearts, especially those hearts that are grieving. Lord God, the hearts that are grieving, we ask that you please protect them in a unique way, strengthen them in a unique way, and heal them. Heal all of our hearts that have been wounded by abortion two days ago, euthanasia yesterday, and today suicide. We ask that you please give us hearts of compassion, hearts of truth, hearts that are courageous in being committed to living out your will in all things. Jesus, be with us now. And it is in your name that we ask all these things. Amen”