Day 258: The New Law (1965-1969)

Prayer by Fr. Mike: “Father in Heaven, we give you praise and thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you for giving us not only the Law, but giving us your Holy Spirit, that we can live out your Law. Lord God, when we get discouraged by our weaknesses and discouraged by our sins, when we see the Old Law or the New Law, and are intimidated by it, give us the grace of courage, the grace of perseverance. Give us the grace of hope, knowing that it is not up to us, it is up to you to give us the grace to move forward. And that you will to give us the grace to move forward. As long as we are open to it, Lord Go, you pour out your grace and your strength and your courage and your hope into us. So help us to be open. Help us to continually call out to you, even after we have fallen, even after we have failed to live up to this New Law, the New Law of grace. Help us to be open, and never give into discouragement or defeat. To never give in to despair or to the temptation to quit. Lord God, be with us now, and be with us always. Be with us in our greatest moments. Be with us at our worst moments. And be with us now. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen”