Day 255: Human Solidarity (1939-1948)

Prayer by Fr. Mike: “Father in HEaven, you are good. In the name of Jesus, we ask you to please receive our thanks, always receive our praise, receive the glory that is yours. Lord God, we ask that You be known. That not only are You known in far off places by people who have not yet heard of you, but also that You be known by us, by your children, those You have redeemed by the blood of your Son and brought to new birth through Baptism and brought into your Church. Help us to know you. And in knowing you, to glorify you, in knowing you to love you, and knowing you to also do your will. Father, we ask that you please, in the name of Jesus, send that Spirit, the Spirit that helps us to know you so that we can see you as you truly are, and that we can see each other as we truly are, both in our strengths and in our weaknesses, and to be brothers and sisters to the human race, to be neighbors to our neighbors, and to love and pray for our enemies. Ini Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen”