Day 311: Adultery and Divorce (2380-2386)

Prayer by Fr. Mike: “Father in Heaven, we do trust you. We do know that even in our brokenness you are good, and you are still God. Even when we fail, you are still God. Even when our hopes and our dreams are dashed to pieces, you are still God. And so in this moment, Lord God, we renew our trust in you, we renew our trust that not only have you called us to this moment, you will never cease calling us. You will never cease holding on to us. Help us to hold on to you in the midst of our pain, in the midst of our brokenness, in the midst of all the ways that the goodness you have created is attacked. On this day, Lord God, I ask that you please be with every member of this community, of the Catechism in a Year community, be with all of us and give us the grace that we need to get through this day and to get closer to you. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen”