Day 299: Respect for Health (2288-2291)

Prayer by Fr. Mike: “Father in Heaven, in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, I ask that you please help all of us in the midst of life. Help all of us in the midst of this day, right now when we are listening to these words. Help us all, whether we are healthy or sick, whether we are strong or weak, whether we are whole or we find ourselves broken in this moment. We ask that you please come and meet us. Meet us with your grace, not only to heal our souls, but meet us with your grace to give us strength in body, give us clarity of mind and thought, give us the ability to focus on the task at hand and the strength to carry out, the courage to carry out the task at hand. Whatever your will is for us, Lord, in this moment, we ask you to give us the grace to be able to accept it, to enter into it, and to find joy in the midst of whatever it is-health or sickness, wholeness or brokenness, strength or weakness. Lord God, may all of us find your will in this moment. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen”