Day 301: Peace (2302-2306)

Prayer by Fr. Mike: “Father in Heaven, we give you praise and thank you. We thank you for sending us Jesus Christ, your Son, the Prince of Peace, who in Himself killed hostility. In Himself, He reconciled God with man. Lord God, bring us that reconciliation once again. Renew in us that reconciliation once again. Bring us peace of heart, even in the midst of division, even in the midst of violence and hatred, even in the midst of this world, which is good, but broken. Help us to not only receive your peace and live your peace, but to bring your peace into the relationships around us, into our families, our friendships, our work, and into our community. Lord Jesus Christ, you are the Prince of Peace. Please reign in our hearts so that we can be like you, agents of peace in this world, peacemakers who are blessed by God, our Father. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen”